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Real Estate Q & A: Chestnut Park VP of Operations and Broker, Justine Deluce Shares Her Tips on How to Choose the Right Agent

Real Estate Q & A: Chestnut Park VP of Operations and Broker, Justine Deluce Shares Her Tips on How to Choose the Right Agent

Justine DeluceWhen it comes to buying or selling your home, choosing?the right real estate agent becomes an integral part of?the process. While the sale or purchase of your biggest?financial asset can be an exciting time, it can also be?stressful especially if someone who is not the right agent?for the job is representing you. Here are a few tips to help you?find the right agent.?Chesnut Park VP of Operations and Broker, Justine Deluce shares a few tips to help you find the right agent for you.

Take the time to interview your candidates. It is important to?meet with different agents to determine which one is the right?one for the job. This provides the opportunity to ask whom?you are considering to hire a number of questions about the?services he or she offers. If you are selling, find out how the?property is priced, how it will be marketed and what the fees?are. If you are buying, ask the agents you are interviewing how?well they know the areas you are interested in and what the?process will entail.

Get a second opinion. Once you have narrowed down your?search, request a few references. Like any job interview,?references are an important part in determining which agent?is right for you. Most will be more than happy to provide the?names of a few buyers and sellers they have worked with. It?will be worth your time to follow-up with them.

Team up with someone you like! Buying or selling a house?can be a worrisome process. Working with an individual that?you get along with and trust can make the process far more?enjoyable. Your agent is someone you may be spending a lot of?time with and revealing potentially sensitive information to,?so getting along with him or her is key.

Location, location,. One of the most important considerations?when choosing an agent is to ensure that they have a good?knowledge of the area you are selling or buying in. Determining?price and understanding the nuances of different areas are?part of the value your agent is adding to the buying or selling?process. A well-connected local agent will have access to?information that may not be be readily available online. This?can create a competitive advantage for clients.

This entry was posted on May 21, 2016 by Jim and Iris

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